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The Difficult Airway Course EMS

The difficult airway is one where an airway expert has trouble achieving bag-mask ventilation or tracheal intubation. 

In this course, students will have the opportunity to perform advanced skills on donated human cadaver tissue. This class uses case-based, hands-on skills training and simulation to teach providers to effectively recognize, evaluate, and manage patients with airway emergencies and respiratory distress. Focusing on the goal of adequate oxygenation and ventilation for all patients, there are skills stations to reinforce effective bag-mask ventilation, capnography interpretation, supraglottic airway devices, endotracheal intubation techniques, surgical airways, vidoe laryngoscopy using the latest equipment as well as non-invasive ventilation and transport ventilators under special conditions. This course is appropriate for new and experienced providers. 


This Class Includes a Cadaver LAB

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"That Others May Live''

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