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This course is based on NFPA 1006: Standard for Technical Rescue Personnel Professional Qualifications. This course will equip the student with the skills and knowledge to be able to prepare and operate in a search and rescue environment, evaluate lost person behavior, determine the need for specialty resources, apply appropriate search patterns, locate, and process evidence, navigate in a wilderness environment, and manage certain aspects of search and rescue. *This is a physically demanding course that requires students to be in good physical condition. 

The other purpose of this course is to learn the basic & advanced techniques for rescue. To accomplish this overall purpose. The specific sub-purposes of the course are to provide the student with patient packaging and extrication skills, and the ability to apply the concepts and techniques above to practical rescue situations.

Prolonged Field Care (PFC) encompasses medical skills that are considered critical and essential. Any provider attempting PFC training, either individually or as a team, should have a working knowledge of basic PFC capabilities prior to attempting an FMP scenario. This may include individual medic training, familiarization with relevant equipment, and team task training. Experience demonstrates the need for at least one full day of training in basic skills prior to attempting an FMP scenario. 

Advance Survival is a required portion of this course. It is designed to prepare students for participation in wilderness search and rescue activities and is a co-requisite to participation in our wilderness Search and Rescue courses.

The purpose of The Rescue Company 1 Wilderness Rescue Program is to provide necessary skills and knowledge in performing lifesaving operations in a wilderness environment, and the importance of understanding the dangers of technical rescue operations.

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Certifications Earned

  • Wilderness Rescue Technician I & II

Per NFPA 1006 & 1670 Guidelines

Student Prerequisites

"That Others May Live''

© American Rescue College, LLC

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